Artificial Intelligence meets Cell Development

We help battery companies organize data and use AI models to optimize process development.

CellSync introduces Industry 4.0 practices to cell development.

The integrated data is standardized and pre-processed to enable application of statistical analysis tools like JMP, Minitab and machine learning. We sync your offline and online data to:


Extract data from various communication channels including PLC-less offline metrology equipments


Collect and organize siloes of data and offline tools to track each cell


Use our built-in AI models to find optimal parameters for your cell manufacturing process with zero coding knowledge


Identify anomalies in processes and quality control to alert operators and detect defects in realtime


Spot factors causing failure using integrated statistical analysis without the need for data pre-processing


Predict defects and calculate actions using predictive AI customized to your process design

Save resources and accelerate your scale-up with CellSync Insight

50% faster process optimization
43% reduction in production cost
80% reduction in data munging

Integrate your equipment into CellSync.

Contact us to get started